• stock-photo-boy-is-disgusted-by-the-smoke-of-a-cigarette
    Northern Kentucky has a public-health crisis that places our children and our future at risk

A problem we can no longer ignore

In the past 50 years, the smoking rate in the United States has dropped by half. Yet tobacco use remains the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in Northern Kentucky. It comes with a substantial burden on our children, NKY employees, our healthcare costs, and our economic development.

There has been some progress, the City of Dayton has been smoke free since September, but Northern Kentucky still lags far behind the region and nation in smoking cessation. Adopting a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance in all public areas and workplaces throughout Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Counties will improve our communities’ overall health, reduce our healthcare costs, and minimize our tax burden.

Making the Case
Tobacco Smoke in NKY

Despite some progress, many employees and patrons in Northern Kentucky continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke at work.

Please call or email your City Council members and encourage them to adopt a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance that prohibits smoking and e-cigarette use in all indoor public areas and workplaces in your county.

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